Module Evaluation
Overall this module has been challenging yet extremely educating. At the beginning of the module I struggled to decide what exactly I was trying to investigate and if it was researchable, the first tutorial with my academic supervisor helped discuss what research themes I could investigate and the timescale I would need to stick to in order to submit my work with enough time. It was decided that I was going to research into the way genders have been presented in advertising and how that has transcended into the branding of cosmetics. The academic texts that I studied helped gather different theories and arguments from numerous sources which helped support the argument, the feedback given from my draft highlighted the strengths and weaknesses that I could improve and edit, my essay appeared slightly biased I had to bring in more sources to balance the argument. Quantitative research was undertaken as it was appropriate to hear the publics opinions and what they associate certain colours with genders. Two surveys was made with over 50 responses for both, the first one conducted was asking the public if a brands aesthetic affected their choice in purchasing a cosmetic product and if certain colours were feminine or masculine. This supported the argument in the first chapter as it highlighted the construction of gender within western society and what we perceive as masculine and feminine. The second chapter asked the public what brands of cosmetics they use and if they would try an alternative brand if it was available for both males and females, the response helped initiate the idea for creating my own gender-neutral brand.
The practical was a huge challenge as almost every decision I made for the aesthetic was in risk of signifying feminine or masculine connotations; type, layout and the colour scheme was carefully decided as to try and communicate my message in the most simple yet effective way. The type chosen is called Colaborate, this was decided between Futura and Helvetica. The type could not signify masculine or feminine connotations therefore I avoided serif and bold fonts, the san serif type is minimal yet approachable giving the design a foundation to work on. The colour was decided after a long time experimenting with different colour schemes, again the colours chosen could not signify certain genders therefore using my research I chose a mixture of primary colour to be easily recognisable as a brand and efficient throughout. The layout for the packaging again is simple and effective, the enlarged letter on the front helps communicate what the product is itself in the most simplest form. Embellishments were avoided as from my research they signified a more feminine aspect to the design, therefore utilising white space and keeping the minimal aesthetic communicates to the consumer is the quickest and effective way. The logo also contributes towards the design as it represents the unity of genders whilst also resembling a scientific value which communicates how we are all made from the same biological matter. Testing the product gave an insight into if the execution was successful and hit all gender types, most responses said that the product did not appear masculine or feminine and would be something they would like to try.
Overall I am fairly pleased with the dissertation however, I feel that more content could have been added with more time. After I had submitted my draft I was confident I would be hitting over the 6000 word count, instead after a lot of editing and adding bits to different parts to the essay it brought me just below that. Now as I'm evaluating I am concerned there is more I should have researched and wrote about to make it a solid body of work, although I'm reassuring myself that the argument is concise and to the point. The research itself has educated me on gender and the functionalities of advertising and the branding for cosmetics, overall I've found it invigorating and something I've gained a passion for. As gender fluidity was fairly new to me its been satisfying to study into gender itself and how it has manifested to what it is in todays society.

The logo development helped the aesthetic of the packaging as I wanted to keep the minimal theme yet still be informative and effective. The process tried different shapes as I wanted so communicate a scientific aspect to the design which would represent that biologically we are made from the same elements. However, I did not want it to look too clinical and unfriendly therefore I chose to reflect the two gender symbols joined together which also resemble bubbles and reflect what the product is.
For the practical side of my dissertation my aim is created a gender neutral cosmetic brand. The brand would be aimed at males and females between 13-50 year old, this is quite a broad range of ages however this brand would hopefully substitute current cosmetics that are available and educate people that our body's work the same regardless of gender.
Brand aims:
- Brand that will be a substitute for other cosmetics
- Reduce costs and clutter for families
- Environmentally friendly - packaging will be recyclable
- No harm to animals - natural ingredients
- Different fragrances and scents available for each type of cosmetic
Packaging ideas
Idea 1:
- Biological influence to design
- Looking at patterns of hair and skin under microscope
- Reflects that regardless of gender we are made up of the same matter
- Different scents available for each type of cosmetic
Idea 2:
- Clean and minimal aesthetic with subtle elements to represent the fragrance in bottle
- Scents will be different fruits and fragrances but still natural ingredients
- Reflects how the bottle uses nothing but natural non fussy ingredients, what you see is what you get without it being suggestive or influential to a certain gender.
Idea 3: Crazy idea??
- Minimal design with a singular square representing the start of the brand.
- More squares are eventually added when more parts of the world use the product over other cosmetics.
- Eventually the design will fill up with squares making the audience feel they are part of a unified commitment to the cosmetic which helps the environment, reduces costs/clutter, non suggestive to gender and is non harmful to animals.
Idea 4:
- Minimal design with colours to represent different uses e.g blue for shampoo, dark blue for conditioner, orange for body wash.
- Different scents available
Sample Text
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