Logo development

The logo development helped the aesthetic of the packaging as I wanted to keep the minimal theme yet still be informative and effective. The process tried different shapes as I wanted so communicate a scientific aspect to the design which would represent that biologically we are made from the same elements. However, I did not want it to look too clinical and unfriendly therefore I chose to reflect the two gender symbols joined together which also resemble bubbles and reflect what the product is.
The colours that I decided to go with went through a hard process of trial and error. As the colours could not be suggestive towards a certain gender, the research gathered helped initiate what would be appropriate. Pastel and bold colours I tried to stay away from as thats what gendered products appear to be branded with when targeting male and female audiences. The choice of colours I decided to go for were mainly a mixture of primary colours, this helped keep the minimal design fuss free and simple for the audience to identify with.