After screen printing my designs in the print room. I got talking to the technician who told me something very interesting about Red. The movie was actually based on the comic called Red, which had a similar storyline however only three main characters instead of four. This I thought was extremely coincidental as I had based the theme of my designs with a very minimal two colour design which kind of looks like a comic style illustration. This however helps my work as it makes my reasons for black and red a lot stronger.
Home » March 2014
Rowan Stocks-Moore
I think these are excellent examples of minimalistic posters. There is more than appears to the eye which I think is a strong successful element, they have clever vector illustrations which represent the stories very well. Again keeping it to the maximum of three colours seems to be a main element that makes them stand out and have an impact.
Ibraheem Youssef
The posters above were my favourite examples of poster designs by Ibraheem Youssef. Each poster featuring iconic objects or people from the films they are representing, they keep a minimal clean look too which I think makes more of a powerful impact on the page. This is something I definitely want to try myself after watching the movie first to see what recognisable scenes or objects/characters I could use to make an impact on my poster.
Tom Gateley
These set of posters were created by Tom Gateley, as I am a huge fan of Game Of Thrones I found these minimalistic posters extremely visually pleasing. Some I found are much stronger than others at representing the different houses and families from the series. The houses sigils are represented by various animals that symbolise their strengths and morals. I like how the posters stick to mainly 2/3 colours and not containing too much detail keeping a clean and minimal look. This is something I want to try out myself for this given brief for the movie Red. Its straight to the point and represents the series very well.
- Research -
This website let me see how charities and campaigns have went successfully viral in 2012, it enabled me to get a better understanding at what captures and interests the public:
This video was ran by a Charity campaign called The Gift of Water. The video I think is straight to the point and captures your attention straight away, the African people are complaining flippantly about the many things us mundane people moan about in west europe. It shows their surroundings which is mainly ruin and neglected areas which is to emphasise to the audience that they have real problems and not the luxuries we have in todays society such as clean water.
This campaign I thought was extremely intense and frightening. It grips your attention instantly and influences you to research into the charity more. The fact the children are silent and showing no expression is quite scary because it makes you think how much of this is going on in todays society and how unaware we are of it. The use of the shock video is a good example and element to feature in our own work if we were to take the shock ad approach.
This Kony Campaign boomed in 2012 reaching almost every country across the globe. It illustrated the evils of a Ugandan warlord named Joseph Kony who supposedly used children to shoot enemies. This went viral worldwide and was extremely popular amongst communities, some people even carried out what he wanted them to do which was buy the poster packs and spread them across their cities covering streets.
Red (2010)
Red was the movie I was given for my current brief. I had seen it years ago when it was released however after watching it again recently I enjoyed it a lot more. The movie consists of four retired CIA agents who have been branded as 'RED' (Retired, Extremely, Dangerous) and need exterminating. The characters are played by all time classic actors/actresses who each have a distinguishable 'don't fuck with me attitude'. I like this factor as I believe it is also a metaphor for themselves in real life, each actor is getting old now and have featured in a lot of films but this film brings back their excellent acting skills which is kind of like "hey we've still got it" kind of attitude.

Watching the film helped me get ideas on what I wanted to design for a poster. Each character has an individual iconic outfit in the movie that represents them in different ways. Helen Mirren for example wore an elegant white flush jumpsuit which reflected her elegance and style, she wore this outfit when they were plotting an attack on the vice president of America blending her into the crowd in the scenes but still really giving off that badass attitude. Another scene was where Morgan Freeman was sacrificing himself to save the rest of the group, wearing an outfit to represent an impostor it still gives his character the respect that he has achieved many things in his lifetime and that this was his final act to do his duty.
- Research -
Epilepsy Society
About Epilepsy Society:
About one in every hundred people in the UK has epilepsy and around 75 people are diagnosed with the condition each day. Our vision is a full life for everyone affected by epilepsy.
Together we make a real and lasting contribution to people’s lives in every way that we can. We work to inform and connect people through the provision of our online forums, our helpline, and our various information leaflets and factsheets; we campaign and we raise awareness. We provide expert specialist residential, respite and social care and we have over 200 specially trained volunteers across the country who assist people in finding information and who can share their own experiences.
We undertake cutting edge medical research and are committed to better understanding epilepsy, improving diagnosis and treatment and making a seizure-free life a reality for all those with epilepsy. With expertise in brain imaging, genetics, pharmacology, epidemiology and psychology we are always at the forefront of medical research in the field.
Donate to Epilepsy Society and give hope to the future.
War on Want
About War on Want:
Poverty is political. The decisions of politicians in rich countries can mean life or death for people in developing countries. We have the power to reshape the global landscape - to ensure that people across the world can live in justice and peace.
War on Want works with some of the bravest and most inspiring groups in the world. In rural communities, in factories and sweatshops, in conflict zones and on the margins of society, we work with people fighting for real, lasting change.
The Salvation Army
About The Salvation Army:
The Salvation Army is a worldwide Christian church and registered charity
Working in 126 countries, demonstrating Christian principles through practical support; offering unconditional friendship, and very practical help to people of all ages, backgrounds and needs.
Founded in East London
By William Booth in 1865, The Salvation Army is one of the largest, most diverse providers of social services in the United Kingdom. A visionary social reformer ahead of his time, William Booth believed that charity demeaned the individual and people should be offered a ‘hand up' and not ‘hand outs' to get them back on their feet.
The Salvation Army extends a helping hand to those who are homeless, friendless and in need. We passionately believe that no one is beyond hope, however great their problems. That disadvantaged people are given respect and access to the practical, social and spiritual support they need to realise their God-given potential and recover their personal dignity.
Local Salvation Army churches
Or corps as we call them - and community centres offer a range of activities and services within local communities. People can get involved in all sorts of ways, through volunteering with fundraising initiatives, attending church services and helping with local activities.
In the United Kingdom and Ireland, The Salvation Army has approximately:
- 50,000 members
- 4,000 employees
- 1,500 Salvation Army officers (full-time ministers)
Looking at other charities apart from Skatepal I have found some very intriguing and heart tugging charities that I would simply love to raise money and awareness for. However Skatepal is appropriate because it links to what we do ourselves which is bringing people together to express creativity and design.
- Research -
I looked into the website for the charity our group was looking to corporate with. Their goal is to get young children together to lean skateboarding which is beneficial to their health and creativity. As most Palestinians struggle to find work and are unemployed this works to help them do something amongst the community and express themselves.
We thought that this would be a good charity to do as it relates to us ourselves wanting to express our creativity. Looking at the videos featured on the website it shows the press coverage around the world and how the main audience is in the UK which shows it is already well known, The Guardian has also mentioned the charity in its newspaper which is beneficial to our research.
Blog Archive
- OUGD406 Brief 3 - Red Comic
- OUGD406 Brief 3 - Minimalistic Posters
- OUGD406 Brief 3 - Minimalistic Posters
- OUGD406 Top 10 Viral Charity Campaigns in 2012
- OUGD406 Brief 3 - Red movie research
- OUGD406 Brief 2 - Researching Logo's
- OUGD406 Brief 2 - Researching other charities
- OUGD406 Brief 2 - Researching Skatepal
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