Practice-based research
What is practice-based research?

Practice-based research is a form of research methodology that uses
“practice”, alongside other forms, as a means of discovering or generating
While the emphasis is still very much on establishing a critical understanding
of the issue, practice-based research acknowledges the role of “making” in
establishing this understanding.
Based on the above, extract the practical issues/aspects surrounding
your chosen field of interest
Comment on how you will engage with each of these aspects of
practice-based research (highlight opportunities for primary research)
Write a proposal for your practical work using the
following quesions:
1. What is your research question? 
My research question is to investigate brand identity and ethical values of food corporations

2. Do you have a hypothesis (an assumed conclusion that you will endeavour to
The hypothesis for my research question is that I want to investigate into chain corporations in the fast food and supermarket industries and find out how social change can impact their ethical values change the way the public perceive the corporates brand. I want to find out whether globalisation is actually working, who its affecting and who it benefits.
3. Sources of primary/secondary research. 
Visiting supermarkets and fast food restaurants to investigate the very fundamental structure of the chains and why they are so successful and powerful. Read articles and books into branding itself and how the brand identity can evolve/change when a chain responds to a social or political issue within its own policies.
4. What methods will you use to research, develop, create and test your work? 
The methods I will use is trying many different trail and errors before coming to a conclusion. To get an un biased understanding of the ethical and environmental values within a corporation. Attend crits and tutorials to get feedback on the direction and approaches I will be taking towards my final CoP 2 proposal.

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