- Research -

Sarah Schoenfeld was an artist I came across on a blog who instantly inspired me for this brief. Her work is so intriguing and exciting its hard not to find it interesting. Whether you have tried mind altering substances or not we all have an idea of what drugs can do to a persons physical and mental state. What Sarah did was used over exposed photographical paper and dropped liquid forms of various drugs onto them which gave almost a visual representation of how the drugs effect the chemical balance in our bodies. As the shapes and colours are so vibrant and energetic you can almost tell what effects each different drug do to a person. This is what inspired me most with my development as I thought I could incorporate this idea of visual drugs onto a sleeve which represented the era and drug addiction of Marc Bolan the frontman of T. Rex.

- Adrenaline -

- Caffeine - 

 - Cocaine -

 - Crystal Meth -

 - Ecstasy -

 - Herion -

 - Ketamine -

 - Ketamine -

 - LSD -

 - Magic -

 - Ophiril -

 - Speed -

 - Speed + Magic -

 - Valium -

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