For the practical side of my dissertation my aim is created a gender neutral cosmetic brand. The brand would be aimed at males and females between 13-50 year old, this is quite a broad range of ages however this brand would hopefully substitute current cosmetics that are available and educate people that our body's work the same regardless of gender.
Brand aims:
- Brand that will be a substitute for other cosmetics
- Reduce costs and clutter for families
- Environmentally friendly - packaging will be recyclable
- No harm to animals - natural ingredients
- Different fragrances and scents available for each type of cosmetic
Packaging ideas
Idea 1:
- Biological influence to design
- Looking at patterns of hair and skin under microscope
- Reflects that regardless of gender we are made up of the same matter
- Different scents available for each type of cosmetic
Idea 2:
- Clean and minimal aesthetic with subtle elements to represent the fragrance in bottle
- Scents will be different fruits and fragrances but still natural ingredients
- Reflects how the bottle uses nothing but natural non fussy ingredients, what you see is what you get without it being suggestive or influential to a certain gender.
Idea 3: Crazy idea??
- Minimal design with a singular square representing the start of the brand.
- More squares are eventually added when more parts of the world use the product over other cosmetics.
- Eventually the design will fill up with squares making the audience feel they are part of a unified commitment to the cosmetic which helps the environment, reduces costs/clutter, non suggestive to gender and is non harmful to animals.
Idea 4:
- Minimal design with colours to represent different uses e.g blue for shampoo, dark blue for conditioner, orange for body wash.
- Different scents available
The branding for these cosmetics appear neutral and not suggesting they are for any particular gender. The bottles resemble a victorian influence whilst the branding is kept simple and not over the top. The colours representing what the product is do not suggest that it should be used by either a male or female, however the use of three different fonts throughout the brand appears unorganised and cluttered. The simplicity of the layout and colours used are the strong elements to the aesthetic however the type lets the brand down as its not always legible.
Methodologies & Critical Analysis
Evidence the ability to use logic, reasoning and critial judgement to analyse ideas from a range of primary and secondary sources, employ critical and theoretical methodologies to evaluate examples from the relevant subject discipline.
Evidence the capacity for undertaking a wide range of independent practical and theoretical research that demonstrates as informed application of critical, effective and testable.
Methodology: Informed, critical, logical strategy for undertaking research
self planning and independent research.
- Every research project needs to have a methodology.
- Best and effective plan to maximise results from research.
Simply put
- A logical, systematic, and structured way of organising a research project and gathering necessary information.
- Evidence that you have reflected critically on various research methods and chosen the ones that are most appropriate for your particular research project.
- Why my strategy is the best strategy for my work.
- Critical reflection on the way on approaching a topic.
Gina Wisker - Palgrave research skills the post graduate research handbook.
Judith Bell - Doing your research project.
Palgrave study skills - Choosing appropriate research methodologies
What kind of research methods are you going to use?
Quantitative, or qualitative, or a mixture of both?
What do you think your methods will enable you to discover?
What might they prevent you discovering?
What kind of research methods would be best suited to the kind of research you are undertaking and the research questions you are pursuing?
What sort of problems do you envisage in settings up these methods?
What are their benefits?
What will you need to do to ensure they gather useful data?
Your methodology may include:
- Literature review
- Libraries, Journals, Internet
- A particular theoretical approach
- Questionnaire
- Sample size, Reliability and Validity.
- Consider audience age.
- Interviews
- Structured or unstructured? Bias?
- Sketchbooks/critical diaries/reflective logs.
Outline your methodology at the start of the Dissertation.
Critical Analysis
Selecting from a variety of options and choosing the most reliable answer.
Selecting important knowledge.
Skepticism - having an idea and testing that idea
Informed decision making
"Stepping away" and using evidence and logic to come to your conclusions.
Where was the author/artist/designer/photographer situated?
Try to consider different points of view
- Where the creator was coming from intellectually; emotionally; philosophically, politically...
Context is everything
- Consider the influence of one or more of the following: the time; places; society; politics; economics; technology; philosophy; scientific thought
Some perspectives that you might adopt or encounter
- Marxist
- Neoliberal
- Sociological
- Psychological
- Postmodernist
- Technological
- Fundamentalist
- Positivist
What do I want to say?
How will I answer this?
Whats the point I want to make?
Have I got evidence to back it up?
Am I expressing myself clearly and logically?
Pitting alternative theories against the same body of data
Multiple theories to answer a question, multiple ideas at one subject to find which is the most appropriate.
A bad argument
- Contradict themselves
- Have no relationship with previous statements
- Do not have any logical sequence
- Are based on assumptions that were never questioned
- Appeal to authorities that are known to be limited or suspect
- Present opinion as argument unsupported by evidence
- Try to claim absolute instead of qualified truths
You need to show the reader that you are evaluating the evidence for its relevance and reliability.
Evaluation= Looking at and coming to conclusions about the value of your evidence.
Organising your research project
Stella Cottrel - Critical thinking skills
Deadline - Thursday 14th January 2016, 2-4pm
15 weeks!
Aim - Draft before christmas
Lecture 1: Organising your research project
Lecture 2: Methodologies + Critical Analysis
Lecture 3: Resolving your research project + Academic Corrections
Planning the project
- Write down all questions that you want to investigate
- Consider each on their merits and focus on two (primary and secondary)
- What is the purpose of the study?
- Is your question researchable?
-Working title
- This can be revised before submission but shouldn't be radically different to your ideas at this stage.
Project Outline
- Consider timings
- Consider holidays/work/life
- Think about your working title and the different component parts that need researching
Literature search
- Books
- Websites
- Surveys
- Triangulation
- Journals (
- Separated in chapters
- Each chapter should ideally evidence a different theoretical/methodological approach
- Into/conclusion
- Move from the general to specific
Context of Practice Proposal
For my dissertation topic I intend to focus the topic around genders in advertising and investigate what people associate with masculinity and femininity. As there is a growing popularity with gender fluidity within media and society, I would like to investigate into the psychology behind gender and what is defined as feminine and masculine. As products such as beauty cosmetics for men and women are branded so differently, it would be interesting to study as to why these products are branded so differently and what messages they convey to the consumer.
Primary Research
- Visit beauty cosmetic stores (layout, consumer experience, colours, smells,)
- Visit stores (cosmetic brands, colours, type, layout)
Secondary Research
- Erving Goffman: Gender Advertisements
- Sandra Lee Bartky: Femininity and domination: studies into the phenomenology of oppression
- David Gauntlett: Media, gender and identity: an introduction
Quantitive Research
- Survey/questionnaire
Investigation into gendered advertising
Sarah Butler & Zoe Wood
18th November 2014
[Accessed 19th february]
Jane Denton
November 2014
[Accessed 19th february]
Amanda Cable
February 2010
[Accessed 19th february]
Rosalind Ryan
December 2005
[Accessed 19th february]
Mark Gunther
Wednesday 4th december
[Accessed 19th february]
Sarah Butler
[Accessed 20th february]
23rd July 2014
[Accessed 20th february]
October 28th 2014
[Accessed 18th May]
Chris Watt
Monday 28th February 2014
[Accessed 18th May]
Bruce Horovitz
April 10th 2015
[Accessed 18th May]
George Ritzer
The McDonalization of Society - Revised New Century Edition
Published: January 1st 1993
Matthew Healey
What is Branding?
Published: 1st August 2010
Wally Ollins: The Brand handbook
Published: 2nd June 2008
Wayne Ellwood
The no-nonsense guide to globalization
Published: January 2011
Cara Acred - Consumerism
1st January 2015
Sample Text
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