Overall I am quite pleased with my final outcomes. Considering I was pushed for time as I had left the practical work until last minute I felt like the pressure worked to my advantage as I feel like the outcomes communicate and represent what I am trying to communicate through my brand. Sticking simple minimalistic theme throughout, reflects my brand that produces and sells clean organic locally grown products. As the packaging would be mainly tissue paper for the meat and bags for the fruit and veg I feel like it would stand out from the shelf with the contrasting white tissue paper and the different colour labels and stamps.  

The products themselves will be distributed and sold in local stores such as Tesco, Sainsbury's and the Co Operative. I found that these stores are already established in every almost every town and city in the UK therefore it would be beneficial to sell these products there. As the smaller supermarkets have taken a dent in their sales due to the rising supermarkets such as Aldi and Lidl I think this would bring the businesses popularity again as people would be more willing to buy a product if they know it would be benefitting them and their community instead of buying a product where the profits will be going to a corporation and not the community around them.

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