After visiting M&S it gave me a good insight on the shopping experience and how branding works within that. Along the many isles, customers aged at least 25+ would be studying various products making their analysis and decisions on what they want to buy. It seems there was no real popularity to certain types of brands however there was quite a selection of different meats, fish and other goods. The branding ranged from stylish black packaging with gold metallic ink to the more simpler cheaper branding such as the plain two colour vectored packaging.
The way the products were stacked I noted were not exactly enticing. The bright lights from the store do not appear to hit products that are stacked in the shelves, therefore leaving the majority of the products in darkness and not that exciting. This isn't a good way to present goods and could contribute towards the lack of appreciation the public have towards branding. The size of the shelves themselves also looked very cramped, obviously trying to get as many different products as possible out there to compete with other supermarkets.
This has gave me a good idea on how to present my mock up my brand for it to be clear and understandable to the consumer.
This has gave me a good idea on how to present my mock up my brand for it to be clear and understandable to the consumer.
The trip to Aldi was as satisfying as I thought it would be. The store experience was a lot lest pretentious and more about the goods themselves. The shelves were stacked in the original boxes which reduces waste and staff time, the products themselves seemed to go in some form of order starting from bakery leading onto fresh fruit and veg, then finally different meats and other selections were available towards the back of the store. They seemed to have no specific brands but a wide selections of brands and some were from British farms which will be beneficial to local communities.
The branding for the products themselves were not that much of a high quality, however this did not seem to influence or inform the consumer at all. I believe if there was a product that was straight to the point and gave clearer information on where the product had came from, and what exactly had been pumped into the product. I think for my practical I need to produce something that will more informative to the consumer about what exactly the product is.