For this brief we were assigned a partner to create a typeface for a full alphabet including 6 extra glyphs based entirely on their personality. I began by asking my partner various questions to get a better understanding of what he liked and disliked.
- Research -

These three images are the questions that I asked my partner Jake. I then drew little doodles of the first thing that came to my mind for some of the answers, I can now research into more depth of his favourite music/movies etc and get more of an idea of the typeface I should be looking to design.
Fear - "Eaten by a shark"
Jakes biggest fear is to be eaten by a shark. I decided to briefly look on the internet at movies that are based on shark attacks and take note on the typeface and imagery used in the posters to communicate terror and fear. Open Water and Jaws both appear to have a ultra bold sans serif typeface for the heading, this creating a big impact on the page suggesting danger, this is supported on the Jaws poster as the typeface is blood red which signifies attack/danger/blood. Both posters also use imagery that emphasise the oceans depth and space making you think how terrifying it would be to be stuck out there completely alone.
Moves - Pulp Fiction, Inception, Watchmen
The typeface used on this poster is successful and to the point. The san serif typeface is minimalistic clean yet bold, this works extremely well for the movie because the storyline is in fact very complex and plays with your mind. The soft red also contributes towards the whole look of the poster as the imagery gives a sense of curiosity whilst the red typeface stands out and communicates danger.
This is another example of a poster used for Pulp Fiction which was another favourite movies by Jake. The typeface however is a serif this time with only small brackets on the letterforms giving a western dated look to the poster. As the film was set years ago the typeface supports the theme of the movie.
This is another example of one of jakes favourite movies 'Watchmen'. Another poster that has used a san serif ultra bold typeface, the tight kerning between each letter communicates strength and power which supports the superhero movie. The bright yellow also works well as it draws instant attention to the poster making a bold eye catching impact on the poster.
Actor to represent life movie - Andrew Garfield
This is Andrew Garfield, born in Los Angeles however grew up in Surrey. He came to international attention back in 2010 with a supporting role in the drama The Social Network (below). In 2012 he took the main role of the spider man reboot 'The Amazing Spider-man' which was extremely successful.
This is example of The Social Network poster that was used to advertise the movie back in 2010. The typeface is a clean minimalistic san serif font which I think works well for the poster. It is easy to understand and makes a impact with the white typeface contrasting with the dark background.
This is an example of the The Amazing Spider Man poster that was released back in 2012. This again uses a san serif bold typeface, the style of the type I think communicates action and excitement which is what happens in the film so it works successfully.
Music - Rage Against Machine, The Offspring, Weezer, Alt J
These four albums are all the album covers of Jake's favourite bands. The first two covers both use a serif typeface which I think gives character and tradition to the band. The offspring formed in the mid 80's whilst Rage Against Machine formed in the early 90's which you can tell from the different styled album covers. Weezer however also formed in the early 90's yet have a different approach and style to their typeface, theirs is a soft minimalist sans serif font. Alt - J is a more modern band that formed in 2007, they have a very minimalistic thin san serif typeface which works well because the background is very busy and colourful. The triangle helps as it draws some of the attention away from the background giving more focus onto the typeface.

My flatmates went to see Mr Scruff at the weekend. They brought back this small flyer from the event which I thought was useful for my research as my partner Jake is a fan. I love the cute illustrations that Mr. Scruff has drawn himself as they reflect the funky music he produces. The hand drawn typeface also emphasises excitement and fun, this is something I have considered for my own typeface as I would like it to look structured yet easy going and relaxed.