Globalisation, sustainability and the media

Globalisation - Covering a wide range of distinct political, economic and cultural trends, the term globalisation has quickly become one of the most fashionable buzzwords of contemporary political and academic debate.

- Refers to freeing up the market so it can expand globally.

- Local and national boundaries are being collapsed.

- Fast food restaurant - no career progression, low salaries, massive profit.

- Global scale village due to technology.

        - Challenges to the idea of the nations state

        - Transnational forces and organisations: who controls them?

Chomskey and Herman

'Manufacturing Consen'

Consumerism, persuasion, society, brand and culture

- The hidden persuaders
- Century of self
- No logo - Naomi Klein

Sigmund Freud

- Psychoanalysis
- Hidden primitive sexual forces and animals instincts which need controlling.
- The interpretation of dreams.
- Civilisation represses human instincts and desires.
- Mass destruction vindication of his suppression of core human instincts.


- Standard production models built as they move through the factory.
- Large investment, increases productivity.

Triangulation - Referring to reach an informed source by three or more sources.

- Summarise key points
- Reference important quotes

1964 - First things first manifesto
- Educated argument
- Agreed argument by a group of people

Incomplete manifesto
- Informal argument
- Context - Advising you on his own personal techniques and advise.

* 1964 argument on how graphic designers have been used and exploited not for the good of society but for money making corporations who've taken advantage of consumerism and skills designers possess. It argues how as an industry we want to make design for the good of the people, not to influence them into buying unnecessary things.

* Designers are selling out, that we should have principles and make work that benefit society.

* Diamonds exported from third world countries from cheap labour to wealthier countries at a much higher price.

First things first (Revisited)

1964 - Post war consumerism optimism
- Proposed for a critique of US style consumerism
- K.G = Activist + Socialist
- Accidental Manifesto
- A necessary part of the economy
- Design is not neutral
- We only learn about the commercial function of design


Is this workable?
Signed by cultural designers
Inform is persuasive
Why limit your audience or impact?
Views audience as passive
Cultural jamming - Disrupting cultural design in corporations

Good ethical designs
Mass Manipulation for cultural ends

'According to the usage and conventions which are at last being questioned but have no means been overcome - men act women appear'

- Hans Memling 'Vanity' (1485)
- Alexandre Cabanel 'Birth of Venus' (1863)
- Sophie Dahlfor Opium
- Titian's Venus of Urbino (1538)
- Ingres 'Le Grande Odalisque' (1814)
- Maret - Bar at the Folios Bergeres (1882)
- Jeff Wall 'Picture for Women' (1979)
- Coward R. (1984)
        * The camera in contemporary media has been put to use as in extension of the male gaze at women on the streets'.

Allegory of the Cave

Richard started off the lecture with an example of Plato's work and how it can represent almost a parallel representation of our world as we see it. Explaining that the painting contains slaves and their masters inside a cave, these slaves are born and live out their lives within these caves never seeing any daylight only the light from the lanterns that lie above. As a results these slaves live out their lives thinking that the cave is reality and nothing lies beyond, until one day a slave manages to escape out the cave and experiences the real world of how it is. It shows how the masters control the slaves interpretation on reality, which could reflect how social media, news and other forms of news may or may not be true but they control how you perceive the world. If you let it. 

2. The gaze and the media 9.10.14
3. Subculture and style 16.10.14
4. Beighton identity 23.10.14
5. Cities and Film 30.10.14
6. N/A
7. Consumerism, persuasion/brand/society/culture 13.11.14
8. Ethics, what is good 20.11.14
9. Glabalisation, sustainability and the media
10. Sensorship and truth 4.12.14
11. Fred Bates - What is research
12. Research paradigms
13. Research skills
14. Context of practice 3

This is my final production publication, I am very happy with the way it turned out. However through poor time management I only managed to digitally print in on the submission day so there was no time for errors, I did have a crisis after printing it as when I came to bind it I'd realised I'd not told the technician that I wanted it printed out like a booklet, so it just printed out with the double page spreads as they are. When I came to cut and bind the book I found I could not arrange the pages correctly because of the printing error. I'm happy however with the layout and information in the booklet, another thing i'm not too happy about is the colours, I found some coloured pages came out better than others. 

The whole concept of the publication was to bring movements and problems from the 60's and relate them to current crises's we have now such as gay rights and racism. I tried to use imagery to make the pages a lot more interesting and relate to the information on the next page. As my essay focused on the counterculture in the 60's I still wanted to use this information and how art & design responded to the different movements.

Nomad Letterpress

A peer of mine in my studio told me about Nomad's Letterpress. As one of my ideas for this brief was to re-create the Trainspotting poster and put my own words in I thought it could be quite humorous and to the point. This however is more ideal for graphic designers as its all about type and design and choosing to use a letterpress for your work. This is something I want to take further and try out to see if it works, I could get responses from my peers and friends to find out the different events and memories they've had in first year, truthful ones! I think that would be beneficial for first years as you kind of have in your head what university is going to be like, until you get here and its like shit what the fuck is happening, I need to do my washing, I need to work, I need to nap, I need food etc. The REAL problems that students encounter, even falling asleep in lectures. I want the real experiences from students and how they've coped with it.

Behance - Adam Thompson 

This work by Adam Thompson gave me more ideas on what I wanted to do for this brief. He's took various quotes from the classic superhero movies and made them into fun typographic and illustrated posters. This is something I could do myself by choosing different superhero's or even animals to represent different characteristics and personalities of the first years.

Behance - Ben Fearnley

This example of typographic posters I thought were interesting as its quite cheeky and funny. This could be interesting to the first years as they may find it amusing and big up their ego and feel more confident about their own work. The clean minimal design looks nice and appealing however I would not personally go for all of the typefaces the designer has chosen, I feel there is too much of a mixture and not all of them flow together. I would also like to see it in colour to see if it creates a different mood to the page.

Behance - Joey Chamacho

These set of posters I thoughts were really aesthetically pleasing. The plush typography instantly creates interest to the poster as it looks really elegant and nice. The two words on each poster I thought were quite motivational and inspiring as they are straight to the point. However I would of not chosen the grungy background as it takes away the focus on the made typography and clashes with the mood the typography makes. 

Behance - Patrick McMullin

These set of posters I thought again were to the point and inspirational. Although there is not a lot of text I still found it interesting and motivational because its the cold hard truth, if you want change only you can change it. When people move to away to go to university they may want to start afresh and change their outlook, develop their skills or go out there and make friends so I think something like this would be beneficial to the first years.

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