Nomad Letterpress

A peer of mine in my studio told me about Nomad's Letterpress. As one of my ideas for this brief was to re-create the Trainspotting poster and put my own words in I thought it could be quite humorous and to the point. This however is more ideal for graphic designers as its all about type and design and choosing to use a letterpress for your work. This is something I want to take further and try out to see if it works, I could get responses from my peers and friends to find out the different events and memories they've had in first year, truthful ones! I think that would be beneficial for first years as you kind of have in your head what university is going to be like, until you get here and its like shit what the fuck is happening, I need to do my washing, I need to work, I need to nap, I need food etc. The REAL problems that students encounter, even falling asleep in lectures. I want the real experiences from students and how they've coped with it.

Behance - Adam Thompson 

This work by Adam Thompson gave me more ideas on what I wanted to do for this brief. He's took various quotes from the classic superhero movies and made them into fun typographic and illustrated posters. This is something I could do myself by choosing different superhero's or even animals to represent different characteristics and personalities of the first years.

Behance - Ben Fearnley

This example of typographic posters I thought were interesting as its quite cheeky and funny. This could be interesting to the first years as they may find it amusing and big up their ego and feel more confident about their own work. The clean minimal design looks nice and appealing however I would not personally go for all of the typefaces the designer has chosen, I feel there is too much of a mixture and not all of them flow together. I would also like to see it in colour to see if it creates a different mood to the page.

Behance - Joey Chamacho

These set of posters I thoughts were really aesthetically pleasing. The plush typography instantly creates interest to the poster as it looks really elegant and nice. The two words on each poster I thought were quite motivational and inspiring as they are straight to the point. However I would of not chosen the grungy background as it takes away the focus on the made typography and clashes with the mood the typography makes. 

Behance - Patrick McMullin

These set of posters I thought again were to the point and inspirational. Although there is not a lot of text I still found it interesting and motivational because its the cold hard truth, if you want change only you can change it. When people move to away to go to university they may want to start afresh and change their outlook, develop their skills or go out there and make friends so I think something like this would be beneficial to the first years.

I thought of creating some kind of typographic poster that inspired or motivation first year students next year could be quite interesting. Using just type with a quote or motivational speech could be quite inspiring and to help comfort/support students next year that hey! everything will be okay. I found personally that if I was having any struggles in university, an email to my tutors helped me rest my mind as they explain and give you feedback which help your own work and ideas. Sometime's it does get tough and you think I can't do this anymore so I think an inspiration poster would be beneficial to remind students no matter how far behind you are or how bad it gets that we are all human at the end of the day and you can only try your best.

I've really became fond of this poster as I first seen it in one of my flatmates rooms, in the movie this speech is made by one of the characters who basically says it how it is. That life is hard, your going to get shit on, your going to struggle, your going to want to give up but the thing to keep in mind is nothing is easy, life is hard but its all part of LIVING. Keep yourself motivated, go outside more, spend time with your friends and your family, do something that makes you happy. 

This is another poster that caught my eye for the movie Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas which is a hilarious funny movie. The poster itself is very in your face with typography, this I think is beneficial as it draws attention and interest as theres so much going on you want to know what its message is. However I think the chosen typeface and scale of everything is too much, the hierarchy does not flow so your eyes are darting around the page trying to read different things.

This poster caught my eye with the minimal typography and black background. I like how half of the message is hidden as it adds interest to the poster making you want to know what its about, plus the fact its not obvious as to what it is so it grabs your attention.

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