- Semiotic Analysis Session -

We were assigned into groups of  5/6 and were given an outline of the semiotic theory to analyse and give feedback to the rest of the class on what we read.

My Groups Analysis - 
  • The word myth derives from the greek mythos: 'Word', 'Speech', 'Tale of the Gods'.
  • Beginning stages of human culture myths functioned as genuine narrative theories of the world.
  • Culture code and media signifies boys colours - blue, girl colours - pink.
Group 1 pg 34 - 
  • Superman iconic hero, turns up in bad situation to save the day.
  • Heroic godlike figure brought up to date from ancient civilizations.
  • Culture code - Media uses santa as the heroic people pleaser.
Group 2 - 
  • Symbolise order of society
  • Icon - Map of France
  • Index - Sign to Paris - Direction etc.
  • Symbol - Flag of France
Group 3 - 
  • Instruction
  • Type represents code - Language is ultimate code

- Interim Crit Feedback - 

The crit I had went quite successful. My peers understood my research and were interested in the fact that the article itself could of completely been fabricated. I will now take my research further by looking into more depth on her the media and newspapers can fabricate and exaggerate stories to make money and almost brainwash the public. 


  • Communicate how the media fabricates and exaggerates stories to earn more money and brainwash public.

Target Audience:
  • Builders/Labourers
  • Young/Middle aged Male & Female
  • Elderly
  • Working Class

Facts on False Widows
  • No deaths ever documented in the UK
  • Been here since 1870
  • Non aggressive
  • Bites are as harmless as a wasp/bee sting, however some people react different to others.

- False Widow - 

Through doing further in depth research I have found a few very interesting facts about the False Widow spiders. Firstly to which I was very surprised about, I found that these so called aggressive deadly False Widows are actually harmless; they have been in the UK since 1870 yet there has been no reports of any deaths. They are however are Britain's most venomous spider however their bite can do as little harm as a wasp/bee sting.

The Independent also made similar remarks to the False Widow claims: 

"The spiders are non-aggressive and bite only in self-defence, such as when someone accidentally sits on them"

"The Natural History Museum's Insect Information Service usually hears of about 10 cases of spider bites each year, although this year there would appear to be more. They are still considerably less common than wasp or bee stings."

BBC News also made similar remarks:

"The Natural History Museum's Insect Information Service usually hears of about 10 cases of spider bites each year, although this year there would appear to be more. They are still considerably less common than wasp or bee stings."

- Research -

For this brief we were assigned a task to purchase a newspaper from Tuesday 22nd of October. I purchased the Daily Star as the front page story looked very intriguing. The article is mainly about a grandad called John Catlin who was bitten by the glorified false widow spider that has been spreading across the UK in the past few months.

After reading the article I found it very shocking and interesting. However I did notice that this man was bitten over a year ago yet it is only now his story has been published in newspapers, the images that are also used to represent the spiders differ from the front page and page 5 which is confusing, this makes me question if the newspaper is using a legitimate story. It also claimed that John was diagnosed with cellulitis: a severe skin infection, yet there is not actual evidence that it was caused by a false widow. After doing further research into Cellulitis I found that when it gets infected and goes septic thats exactly what happens to your leg which is shown in the picture. Again no actual evidence that the false widow was the cause to this.

- Research -

I was suggested Fontsmith to have a look at different typefaces which may be suitable to my current brief. From what I have gathered from Jake he likes structure, bold action movies and loud rock bands. After visiting this website I picked a few typefaces which were my favourite and most appropriate to the typeface I wanted to create myself.

I am a real fan of this typeface 'White Space'. Its very minimal, clean and well structured. It has harsh yet soft corners to the letterforms and the bowls on the h, t, and e are well curved and work really well. I also like the colour scheme as the deep red contrasts with the black background making a much more bolder impact.

This is a similar typeface to 'White Space' however it is more stretched out with a looser kerning. This also works really well as it is easily understandable and minimal.

This is another example from the Fontsmith website, another typeface that I'm really fond of. It still has structure and minimalistic elements to it however I like how much more relaxed it is with the slight curve on the E and Y. This would be more appropriate to manipulate for my typeface for Jake as he seems more of a relaxed easy going person which this typeface communicates well.

For this brief we were assigned a partner to create a typeface for a full alphabet including 6 extra glyphs based entirely on their personality. I began by asking my partner various questions to get a better understanding of what he liked and disliked.

- Research -

These three images are the questions that I asked my partner Jake. I then drew little doodles of the first thing that came to my mind for some of the answers, I can now research into more depth of his favourite music/movies etc and get more of an idea of the typeface I should be looking to design.

Fear - "Eaten by a shark"

Jakes biggest fear is to be eaten by a shark. I decided to briefly look on the internet at movies that are based on shark attacks and take note on the typeface and imagery used in the posters to communicate terror and fear. Open Water and Jaws both appear to have a ultra bold sans serif typeface for the heading, this creating a big impact on the page suggesting danger, this is supported on the Jaws poster as the typeface is blood red which signifies attack/danger/blood. Both posters also use imagery that emphasise the oceans depth and space making you think how terrifying it would be to be stuck out there completely alone.

Moves - Pulp Fiction, Inception, Watchmen

The typeface used on this poster is successful and to the point. The san serif typeface is minimalistic clean yet bold, this works extremely well for the movie because the storyline is in fact very complex and plays with your mind. The soft red also contributes towards the whole look of the poster as the imagery gives a sense of curiosity whilst the red typeface stands out and communicates danger.

This is another example of a poster used for Pulp Fiction which was another favourite movies by Jake. The typeface however is a serif this time with only small brackets on the letterforms giving a western dated look to the poster. As the film was set years ago the typeface supports the theme of the movie.

This is another example of one of jakes favourite movies 'Watchmen'. Another poster that has used a san serif ultra bold typeface, the tight kerning between each letter communicates strength and power which supports the superhero movie. The bright yellow also works well as it draws instant attention to the poster making a bold eye catching impact on the poster.

Actor to represent life movie - Andrew Garfield 

This is Andrew Garfield, born in Los Angeles however grew up in Surrey. He came to international attention back in 2010 with a supporting role in the drama The Social Network (below). In 2012 he took the main role of the spider man reboot 'The Amazing Spider-man' which was extremely successful.

This is example of The Social Network poster that was used to advertise the movie back in 2010. The typeface is a clean minimalistic san serif font which I think works well for the poster. It is easy to understand and makes a impact with the white typeface contrasting with the dark background.

This is an example of the The Amazing Spider Man poster that was released back in 2012. This again uses a san serif bold typeface, the style of the type I think communicates action and excitement which is what happens in the film so it works successfully.

Music - Rage Against Machine, The Offspring, Weezer, Alt J

These four albums are all the album covers of Jake's favourite bands. The first two covers both use a serif typeface which I think gives character and tradition to the band. The offspring formed in the mid 80's whilst Rage Against Machine formed in the early 90's which you can tell from the different styled album covers. Weezer however also formed in the early 90's yet have a different approach and style to their typeface, theirs is a soft minimalist sans serif font. Alt - J is a more modern band that formed in 2007, they have a very minimalistic thin san serif typeface which works well because the background is very busy and colourful. The triangle helps as it draws some of the attention away from the background giving more focus onto the typeface.

My flatmates went to see Mr Scruff at the weekend. They brought back this small flyer from the event which I thought was useful for my research as my partner Jake is a fan. I love the cute illustrations that Mr. Scruff has drawn himself as they reflect the funky music he produces. The hand drawn typeface also emphasises excitement and fun, this is something I have considered for my own typeface as I would like it to look structured yet easy going and relaxed. 

 - Semiotics - 

In our seminar we were introduced to the Semiotic Theory. How in different cultures around the world in fashion, TV and art & design they signify a structure and to understand structure you can therefore  understand the meaning. Shapes, colours and gestures mean completely different signs and meaning in different countries.

We were given examples in the presentation of a man in a suit and a punk. The man in the suit signifies him dressed smartly whilst the mental concept of him signified his job is some sort of professionalism/businessman. In contrast the punk appeared to be dressed in a biker jack with messy hair which signified the punk subculture as a representation of individual freedom.

- Context of Practice 1 Image Analysis - 

‘The Uncle Sam Range’ was an advertisement created in 1876 by Schumacher & Ettlinger. It was created to promote the range most likely across the higher class (plantation owners/businessmen) in America and other advanced countries worldwide. The excessive American theme throughout the image could suggest them boasting to the world at how successful and strong they are by ‘feeding the world’. With the earth shaped head at the table reading the list of countries and various foods they produce could be a flippant remark to the choice of food they have almost mocking them. The time period is well represented by the dated old-fashioned illustration theme and western typeface situated on the floor. The colours are very welcoming with the warm tones and harsh use of red throughout making an eye-catching impact in the room showing America’s boldness. Also the use of the black slave towards the left of the image portrays the racial views of the white people of America at that time. There is also clock on the wall clearly shows that 100 years have passed since Independence Day and the people around the table are celebrating with a feast from the range. This again supports Americas pride and patriotic devotion to their country inviting the world to join them.

          Savile Lumley however created the second poster in 1915 during WW1. This poster takes a more direct message towards the audience with the hand written ‘Daddy, what did YOU do in the Great War?’ which could be coming from both children. The boy having toy soldiers and the little girl pointing to the book and looking at her dad suggests he did not participate or support the war therefore cannot tell them anything about it. The direct eye contact he makes with the audience sends a message of pride and guilt, as he is most likely successful and important not needing the wage of the army like the lower working class did. This is supported by the surrounding lavish furnishing and well-dressed cloths on both him and his children which was rare in times of war. Due to the time this poster was created I believe it was targeted at the rich upper class to support the country at war and join the army. This reaches out to them personally as it attacks their pride and his expression seems to be contemplating something. Otherwise they could bring shame upon the family for years from their lack of courage and patriotism.

             In both posters it appears they are both targeted at men. This is because of the time period where men were more symbolic for strength, power and success. ‘The Uncle Sam Range’ is aimed at the middle class as it gives off a sense of desire at what lifestyle they could have to own one, it could also be aimed at the higher class as it represents power and luxury which is what all rich men want. The same target audience applies the same in the Savile Lumley poster as is tests their pride and courage for his family and country influencing them to support the war.

- Photography - 

Tom Harrison - Humphrey Jennings - Charles Madge - Humphrey spencer

These photographers were introduced to us to show to cultural power in documentary photography, they all contributed towards the documentation and observation of the town Bolton that started in 1937. We were shown examples by each photographer but one that I took interest in most was Humphrey Spencer.

This example above is a good representation of the culture and life of pubs back in the 1930's. Everything in the photograph from the fashion of the men, to the posters and bottles on the wall show how completely different peoples lives were back then. It was a lot more grim with the country still recovering from the first world war and the great depression, these gentlemen would of earned well enough money to be able to afford the pub.

 This a reel of examples I found off a website dedicated to the Bolton Work town project called http://boltonworktown.co.uk. The website shows all kinds of photographs from Bolton at that time period documenting the culture.

- Animation -

 This photograph was taken during the Prague spring in 1968 which was a period of political liberalization in Czechoslovakia  during the era of its domination by the Soviet Union after World War 2.

This animation was created by Jiri Trnka called 'The Hand'. Although I did not really enjoy the short clip myself there was something very interesting behind the meaning of the animation. In my eyes it tells a story how we are all puppets in a system. Everything has a structure that we must follow and obey in the world otherwise bad things could happen to you.

- Illustration - 

Norman Rockwell

This illustration was created by Norman Rockwell back in 1943. It is a basic representation of the 'American Culture'. How the families are all joyful and excited sat around the dinner table waiting for food, it gives a sense that all Americans were loving/kind which in fact was a mythic fantasy like identity. The image also shows the loss of a generation where this style of illustration was heavily depended on. Only talented and skilled people could create these types of illustrations whilst in modern day people can a similar effects by using photoshop.


Front cover

Pg 30

Pg 68 & 69

After looking through the new university prospectus I have have found five criticisms that I believe are inappropriate and unprofessional. Firstly the main cover looks dated and washed out, this will not benefit the university as it does not entice or excite the target audience. The use of the washed out background image and layout of the typeface are irrelevant and do not communicate the professionalism the university has to offer.
           Inside another main fault is the use of imagery throughout the book. There is no layout or form with the stock photographs on the pages making it look extremely untidy. This makes the flow of the book a lot harder to follow as the photographs are floating in random places on the page. It is also supported by the use of cream and white colour scheme that runs through the entire book. These two colours clash and do not work together again making the pages look dull and uninteresting. 
           The body text that is used is also hard to understand as there is too much information squashed into a page. This would make it difficult for the target audience to read and be influenced into joining the university. Again the grey dull coloured typeface is uninviting and boring contributing towards the  choice of colour scheme throughout the book.
            The random use of lines throughout the book have also being placed very unprofessionally and untidy, making no flow to the pages with inaccurate layout. Some pages they appear to be bleeding off the page whilst other pages they are randomly floating. This also effects the body text grid as again the there has been no thought into the grid layout positioning the body text in the columns and not aligning them.

Iain Macarthur

This piece of design I think influences my mind to be more wild and spontaneous with design, although Iain Macarthur is an illustrator I find his work to be very inspiring when it comes to detail and making an eye catching impact. This piece could be communicating many messages, I feel like its sending a message to do with sanity. With the labyrinth like patterns and shapes behind the mask like face it shows that everyone has to ability to be completely free with your mind and no one can really control it.

 Greg Coulten

This piece of design is one of my main influences in design. I love the traditional victorian feel to the typeface containing a lot of detail. Leaving it black and white makes a greater contrast and impact on the page not disturbing the focus on the detail. The serif 'E' looks fairly modern which appears to be wrapped in a vintage like flower, this I feel communicates not that no matter how much graphic design will progress in the future its important to remember those aspects of type from the past and where it has came from.

Aron Jancso 

This example of design again I am inspired by because of the serif typeface. I am a huge fan of traditional looking serif typefaces and this one seems very elegant yet powerful. With the ascenders and descenders extended and the pretty typeface I could imagine this printed on a fictional fantasy book. Each letter appears to have a slight curve however the typeface still is understandable and clear and could even be used in a small body of text.

James Zambra

This is a more modern example of design. Another thing that influences and inspires me are bold colours and patterns/shapes. These overlapping shapes and colours creating depth to the page making it much more interesting. The vivid colours and pointed edges to the shapes could communicating loud and exciting music and sound in some way, the shapes could also be letters placed on the page with half of them cut off giving a sense of curiosity as to what the purpose is for.

Jonathan Quintin

This is a more practical example of graphic design. It is a wedding invitation but showing the journey on how a couple met and got to this point of their relationship. I love the subtle illustrations that go with the information such as the 'Breaking Bad' typeface with the periodic squares around the Br and Ba, unless you watched the show you would not understand the purpose of it. I also think the colour scheme works extremely well as it is elegant and bold. The blue typeface contrasts with the pink illustrations and border making it have an eye catching impact.

- Development -

This is the colour scheme we were experimenting with to see what colours worked best. We wanted a professional neutral effect on our design to create a calm atmosphere as we are reassuring our target audience.

These are our first initial mock ups on what format we were designing on. We decided to go for the business card type format as we thought it would be most appropriate and useful for out target audience whilst almost making it look interesting.

These two are mock up ideas of what we wanted the design to visually look like. The neutral colours create a calm atmosphere and the san serif typeface create a minimalistic softer approach which is suitable for the topic and content of the design.

These images represent our final outcome. We decided to put a business card sized sleeve around the information poster and laser cut the type on the sleeve to make it interesting and stand out. We found that the overall outcome was successful and in the crit we got a lot of positive feedback to support our idea and what we were trying to communicate.

- Research -

 As a group these are the different elements in visual communication that we thought would be most useful in helping us with our design for 'Concerned about standard of work'.

We began by getting Tom Pollard to email all of the third years asking for their first and third year work for a comparison in our design. This we thought would be beneficial towards out target audience because it would show the development and progress people make whilst at university, they have to understand that everyone has came from different colleges with different qualifications so the majority of people on their course will be at different levels.

This is some primary research I brought in that I thought would be a cool useful way to format our design on. It is an informative poster that folds down as small as a business card so it could fit in your pocket, we thought this would be more appropriate for fresher students as they can carry it around with them and read it whenever in doubt.

Third years first year work

Third year recent work

We got a lot more responses which we are featuring on our design however this is just an example of one of the third years work. I like how it shows the progress and development in skills they have built over the three years in universities as it proves that everyone starts off somewhere and theres always room for improvement.

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